V nasledujúcom rozhovore so Senior analytikom pre LZ, Sebastianom Rennackom, sa dozviete, ktoré praktické riešenia fungujú pre retail v Poľsku.
Could you tell us what are some practical solutions that work for retailers in Poland?
„Poland is a highly competitive, discount-dominated retail market. With Sunday opening times now further restricted, key players such as Biedronka and Lidl have intensified their promotional battles, leaving most other market players on the losing side. However, there are several banners that manage successfully to win the customers’ favor, even if not playing the discount card. Some of them even grow faster than the discounters. Their key to succes: To answer the question: How do I create a value proposition that avoids head-on competition with strong, price-oriented market players?
While discounters’ value-for-money approach appeals to all consumers, their standardised assortment and no-frills DNA at the same time are their Achilles heel. The domestic shooting stars
in the region all have one element in common: They narrow their focus on specific customer segments and then tailor their sales concept accordingly. A balanced mix of small sales areas, local commercial orientation and standardised back-office processes are the success formula for continued growth despite powerful competition.
Additionally, many players operate in franchised models that help to quickly increase their footprint, translated to economies of scale, while taking advantage of the still high number of independent mom & pop shops that seek shelter from the discounters’ advance.“
What will your presentation be about, why should slovak retailers come to see your presentation?
„My presentation will show case studies and shop-floor examples of how domestic retailers in the region thrive despite operating in highly competitive frameworks.
It will provide exemplary answers to the question: What are the building blocks of successful sales concepts that allow domestic retailers to serve the local customer better than international chains?
For Slovak retailers this will provide the opportunity to benchmark with other successful domestic operations in the region while providing a best practice for market positioning.“