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Michal Pastier

Co-owner and creative director of advertising agencies Zaraguza Michal Pastier is the co-owner and creative director of advertising agencies Zaraguza Bratislava, Zaraguza Prague and the first Slovak naming agency Big Name Theory. He was awarded several prizes for...

Peter Littmann

General director of BRANDINSIDER GmbH Professor Dr. Peter Littmann is the general director of a leading consulting company BRANDINSIDER GmbH in Hamburg and at the same time a consultant to international companies, such as BMW, Porsche, Google and McDonalds. During his...

What is RIC?

RETAIL INNOVATIONS is an innovative communication platform, a HUB for professionals and companies in the sector of retail and services. The vision of the project is to continuously track and bring the trends and news in the field and connect people with common interests.
This year conference brings a festival of hot topics and trends in the retail environment


The organization of the Retail Innovations Conference is provided by MDI.SK, s.r.o. a company resiidence: Bieloruská 12, 821 06 Bratislava, office: Cukrová 14, 81108 Bratislava, IČO: 36766658, DIČ: SK2022392680. tel .: +421 918 998 587, e-mail: mdi@mdi.sk