As a result of changes in customer behavior, retail and services are passing through challenging times and in the meantime, industry is struggling with the absence of qualified people. The second edition of Retail Innovations Conference will bring to Bratislava the hot topics, trends and innovative solutions which will focus on store remodeling and human resources.
The remarkable trend in the physical retail is remodeling. We are witnessing the redevelopment of obsolete operations, the arrival of new concepts, and the steep increase in e-commerce at the expense of design outlets. The customer changes significantly. He wants to buy quickly, efficiently and in a nice environment, but at the same time he does not want to lose a rich choice at the prices he is accustomed to. How to combine relatively contradictory trends? How to achieve experience shopping and make profit at the same time?
The successful designer Martijn Frank Dirks will present successful innovations from a design point of view. Graduate of Eindhoven and Plymouth University in Retail Design, founded Studiomfd in 2006, which specializes in graphics, interior and retail design. In Slovakia, he will be the key note speaker at retail conference for the first time.

„Last year, we were planning a business event for several dozen retail professionals. At the end, up to 220 participants showed up, of which almost half was at the top retail level. Foor us this an evidence that retailers in Slovakia are aware of the facts that only some innovations really work. Which ones are they?” Says Tibor Tabery, retail analyst and co-founder of the Retail Innovations Conference, adding: “The second year of the retail festival will be held again on the April 10th, and will be full of inventive ideas and interesting speakers.”
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